Project | Co-located Mindfulness Practice in VR and AR space (in progress)
Mindfulness practices improve people's physical and mental wellbeing. Many of the current mindfulness technologies focus on creating a single-person meditation experience through providing audio and visual guidance. In this project, we explore design opportunities for creating innovative co-located mindfulness practices in VR and AR space.
Research Method: Lo-fidelity design; Interview
Project | Contact Tracing
Various contact tracing approaches have been applied to help contain the spread of COVID-19; technology-based tracing and human tracers are among the most widely adopted. However, governments and communities worldwide vary in their adoption of contact tracing technology, with many instead leveraging human tracers. We investigate how people perceive the respective benefits and risks of human tracers and contact tracing technologies through a mixed-methods survey with 291 respondents from the United States.
Research Method: Survey (closed- and open-ended); Mixed analysis of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis
Project | Food and Diet Tracking
Studies of personal informatics systems primarily examine people’s use or non-use, but people often leverage other technology towards their long-term behavior change processes such as social platforms. We explore how tracking technologies and social platforms together help people build healthy eating behaviors by interviewing 18 people who use Chinese food journaling apps.
Research method: Interview; Card Sorting Activity; Qualitative analysis
Project | Emotional Music
This project aims to explore an innovative way for expressing emotions and communicating information through using biosensors to detect physiological signals. It is an headphone shaped prototype that creates real-time music based on users’ own emotion.
Research method: Prototyping; Test; Interview; Co-design; Mixed analysis of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis;
Project | Menopause Experience
Menopause, a major lifetime that influences women’s physiological, psychological, and social relationships, is often simply regarded as a health issue without realizing how their daily experiences and interaction with certain artifacts are socially shaped. In this project, we aim to leverage interactive designs to help improve women’s menopause experience.
Method: Sketch; What-if scenarios; Prototype design